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IVA and Mortgage Arrears

If you’re struggling to meet your mortgage payments, there may be a number of things that can help. Individual Voluntary Arrangements are mainly used for unsecured debts, and it is rare for mortgage arrears to be included in an IVA plan for that reason.


IVA and Credit Cards

If you have debts from credit cards that are out of control, then an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) may help. IVAs are designed to help people who have unsecured debts such as credit cards, store cards and unsecured loans that they can no longer manage.


IVA and Repossession

Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) are primarily used for unsecured debts such as credit cards and loans. Mortgage arrears are not normally covered by an IVA for this reason. However, if you’re struggling with debt and are being threatened with repossession, an IVA may help in conjunction with other measures.


IVA and Loans

If you have debt from loans that you are failing or are going to fail to make the payments for, there are a number of things that you can do. Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) can help in situations where unsecured debt has become unmanageable.  IVAs are really intended for unsecured debt, and therefore may not help if your loan debt is secured against an asset such as a house or car.


IVA and CCJs

If you’ve had a County Court Judgement (CCJ) issued against you, it can seem like you have very few options as time passes. However, this is not necessarily the case, and there are measures that may indeed help your situation. There is no barrier to gaining an Individual Voluntary Arrangement if you have had CCJs in the past.


IVA affects Credit Rating

When your financial situation has gotten to the point where you can’t make the debt payments you owe, it sometimes seems like you’ll never again be in a solid position. However, this is certainly not the case, and if you use an IVA you can start working in a positive direction in no time.


IVA and Unsecured loans

Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) have been the subject of much discussion in recent years, and they can indeed be hugely helpful to people in certain circumstances. If you have debt from unsecured loans that you cannot manage to make the payments for, then an IVA may indeed help you.


IVA and Secured Loans

If you’re struggling to make the payments for secured loans, for example loans that use your home or another possession such as a car for security, there are a number of things you can do to relieve the situation. However, Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) are primarily intended for use with unsecured borrowing such as credit cards and loans that do not have assets used as security.



If you and your Insolvency Practitioner have decided to propose an IVA for your debts, it is incredibly important that the arrangement itself is workable, making the IVA an effective measure in getting your finances in shape.


Time to arrange an IVA

IVAs typically don’t take too long to set up, and are generally up and running within a few weeks. Your Insolvency Practitioner (IP) will guide you through the process, and make sure you understand what is going to happen at each stage.


Debt written off in an IVA?

It’s best to think of an IVA as a way to clear debts rather than to have debts written off. Although in most cases an IVA will mean that you don’t have to pay the full amount of the debts back, it is mainly a way for you to settle your debts rather than having them forgotten about.


IVA Details

There are so many people and services claiming to have the answer to your debt problems that it can often be difficult to figure out what each solution actually involves. Individual Voluntary Arrangements are often put forward as an easy answer to financial insolvency, but only the right advice can help you to know whether they will in fact help you personally.


Can I trust my Insolvency Practitioner?

When your finances are in a bad way, the importance of getting good advice is impossible to overstate. If bankruptcy is a threat, or if you’re looking to use such measures as Individual Voluntary Arrangements, then you’ll be looking to use the services of an Insolvency Practitioner or IP.


IVA if I can’t get more credit

Individual Voluntary Arrangements are, first and foremost, a way to clear debts that you can no longer manage the payments for. If your debt situation is out of control and bankruptcy is becoming a possibility, then an IVA may help.


Debt amount for an IVA

Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) are designed for people who have personal debts that they cannot manage the repayments for. In general, IVAs are pretty flexible, but they are typically used for people (not companies) with debts totalling at least around £12,000 and where the debt is owed to at least three different lenders.


Who can an IVA help?

Individual Voluntary Arrangements have a few restrictions, but are generally pretty flexible, and can help a lot of people to get themselves into better situations. Whether an IVA will help you is something you can only establish with professional advice.


Who can administer an IVA?

If you’re interested in using an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) to deal with your financial difficulties, you’ll need to use the services of an Insolvency Practitioner (IP). An IVA can only be carried out through a set series of legal processes, and only certain individuals are licensed to carry these processes out within the law.


Will I get an IVA?

The requirements for getting an Individual Voluntary Arrangement are really quite flexible. If you’re struggling to pay your debts an IVA may well be an appropriate option for you, but does depend on the details of your case.


Will an IVA clear my debt?

If you want to know if an IVA will help you get out of debt, the short answer to this question is maybe. How useful an IVA is likely to be really depends on the details of your own personal circumstances.


What happens in an IVA

If you’ve decided, with professional advice (e.g. from an Insolvency Practitioner) to go for an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement), there are a series of things that will happen.


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We are happy to provide you with debt advice only. We only charge a fee if you opt for one of our debt solutions. Fees will depend on which debt solution we provide and what your personal circumstances are. All fees will be discussed prior to commencement of any service or debt repayment plan. Click here to read our fees and key info. Please note: From time to time we may refer you to other services providers or charities such as the CAB.


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